There were many important figures during the lasting years of the Crusades. However two men are some of the most renown. Their names were Frederick Barbarossa, and Peter the Hermit. Frederick Barbarossa was born the son of Duke Frederick of Swabia. He was born in the year 1122 and of Germanic decent. He later became the Roman Emperor and King of Germany all between the years of 1152-1190. Frederick is a famous person for his acts during the third Crusade. In 1187 the Muslims regained control over Jerusalem thus leading of Frederick to assemble an army of 125,000 to take to battle. He performed an amazing feat by defeating the Muslims in two giant battles. However his lead of his great army ended as he tried to cross a river with his horse and drowned. His actions were signifigant because he helped regain control over Jerusalem. Frederick Barbarossa relates to other areas of history because he was an emperor in the Roman Empire and a King in the Geman state. Peter the Hermit was born in 1050 as a frenchman. He was a monk in Amiens, France until he heard of Pope Urban II plans to overthrow the Muslims for Jerusalem and the Holy Lands. Peter the Hermit was famous for leading the very first Crusade, also known as "the people's Crusade". His first attepmt wasn't so successful as most of his infantry was killed. However he was part of the group that took Jerusalem. The signifigance of taking back Jerusalem was it put the Holy Lands back into Christian hands. It also relates to other history because it was part of the cause that started the fourth Crusade.